"Throughout this book, I felt Bruce had a secret window into my own life and private thoughts. Many private feelings I am currently dealing with were addressed and revealed in a manner that made me feel it is not only normal, but I am truly not alone in this. I was surprised that I cried while reading it and the comfort that the words brought me. I read tons of self-help books, among other types of books, and this book actually gives me hope and things to look forward to. My tears were from the fact that I am facing the words I read. I have been getting negative feedback from outside sources and these words reassured me not to listen, keep them out of your life and do what is right. The section on the other home/parent opened my eyes and freed me. I did not go into reading this book thinking it would help me on such a deep emotional level." ~Dorothy Justice, Vice Chair-Community Action Partnership

January 27, 2012

Risk and Consequence of your Child's Action

Taking risks is ok, if your child understands and is ready to accept the consequences. Risk isn't a word we normally choose when talking with our children. We all know risks too well as adults. As a child and especially into our teens we never labeled it "risks". It may have been referred to simply as taking chances, not thinking, or maybe just a little too much fun. Are you with me?

The last reference is a phrase our parents used when we first started asserting our independence. Now that you are a parent, "risks" is a word you want your teenager to be very familiar with and understand; though not as a bad word, as a good word.

Empowered to make wise decisions

Helping children feel comfortable with risk will serve worthy to further themselves in life. Understanding consequences can be a remarkable tool for your teen. Sharing with him/ her and acknowledging potential risk allows your child to better plan and prepare for events. Your child will think realistically about his/ her actions and consider what consequences lay ahead. Your child will be empowered to make wise decisions.

On the other hand, severe risk can linger as the result of peer pressure when just having fun was the intention. A child who understands consequences is one who is wise beyond their years. More importantly, it will divert your child away from unhealthy choices in the midst of teen pressure or chaos.

Before your unsupervised teen heads out the door, remind them to be wise. Explain to your loved one "Be Wise" is code for : taking risks comes with a price, though its ok provided they understand and are ready to accept the consequences. Putting decisive choices into your teen's hands will surprise you. Your teen will recognize their decision, their consequences. Your child will accept accountability for his/ her actions.

Understanding risk helps weigh benefits

With careful and thoughtful exercise, risk should be encouraged. Risk is not for the feeble minded, though preparing and laying potential for bad results will aid your child in having foresight. Understanding risk will help in weighing benefits. This is the calculated risk you want your teen to consider when you are not around. This will lessen the emotional impact when anticipated results occur directly relating to your teen's actions. Chances are, costly or irreversible consequences are avoided. Most of all, your child wont be afraid of risk and the impending consequences with his/ her awareness.

So don't forget, Be Wise!

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© 2012 Bruce Buccio

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