"Throughout this book, I felt Bruce had a secret window into my own life and private thoughts. Many private feelings I am currently dealing with were addressed and revealed in a manner that made me feel it is not only normal, but I am truly not alone in this. I was surprised that I cried while reading it and the comfort that the words brought me. I read tons of self-help books, among other types of books, and this book actually gives me hope and things to look forward to. My tears were from the fact that I am facing the words I read. I have been getting negative feedback from outside sources and these words reassured me not to listen, keep them out of your life and do what is right. The section on the other home/parent opened my eyes and freed me. I did not go into reading this book thinking it would help me on such a deep emotional level." ~Dorothy Justice, Vice Chair-Community Action Partnership

Healthier Life

I know there are those who want to invite change into their lives, but perhaps you're not sure how to move forward. The “12 Steps To Freedom” correlates with a platform that helps walk you through four phases of coping and growth through divorce and rebuilding your life with your children. It’s my hope and wish that you will develop the defining moments as I did, as you seek success to a healthier life. Utilizing the steps within will facilitate and lead to a better lifestyle and promote your child’s future–your children will benefit from all their relationships with who acquire the wealth of knowledge cultured here. The concepts, strategies, and philosophies I share will help you embrace change and resolve most conflicts before they occur. Identifying with this content will help you with understanding and utilizing your personal gifts. This book is a pre and post-divorce resource and inspirational for surviving divorce with children.
Here are some residual benefits I found:

I know there are those who want to invite change into their lives, but perhaps you're not sure how to move forward. I'll help you on your way to a happier, peaceful, self sufficient, and prosperous life.

Improved Relationships and Intimacy- Improve what it takes to better ourselves and create open, loving and exclusive relationships.
Better Family and Parenting Dynamics- Improve family dynamics and find harmony and balance in marriage, co-parenting, or single parenting.
Life Changes– Redefined myself three times over my adult life  (including company startup and author) to achieve my personal targets and goals. Today, I'm a happier man because of this!
Personal Growth – Reach the next level of intellectual and emotional stamina through proven and efficient tools and mechanisms that help you thrive.